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How soon can you refinance a car after purchase?

How Soon Can You Refinance a Car After Purchase?


After you buy a vehicle, interest rates or your financial situation may change and you may want to know how soon you can refinance your car. In theory, you can refinance right away.

Refinancing means receiving a new loan to pay off the old one. You can get a different rate, set of terms and monthly payment with a new loan. You may decide to refinance to save money, enjoy more affordable monthly payments or repay your car loan faster.

When Is It Smart to Refinance Your Car Loan Early?

Knowing when you can refinance a car loan to experience the most benefits is critical. In general, you should seek new financing if:

  • Your credit score is better: If your credit score has improved since you were approved for financing, you may be able to get a better rate and save on interest.
  • You have a different financial situation: If your car payments are no longer affordable, a new loan can lower monthly payments and extend the repayment period.
  • You’d like a better deal: If you didn’t shop around for a good car loan, you might be paying more than necessary. Refinancing can help you get better rates.
  • You’re interested in a rebate and a good rate: Some dealerships offer a cash rebate or a 0% annual percentage rate (APR) when you trade in your old car. You can enjoy both by taking the cash and then refinancing a few weeks later to enjoy a lower APR.

Are There Any Drawbacks of Refinancing a Car Loan Early?

Understanding how soon you can refinance a car loan after purchase to receive the most benefits is critical, as there are sometimes drawbacks. These include:

  • Paying penalties: Some loans have extra fees or prepayment penalties if you refinance. Check your paperwork to see if this applies to you.
  • Having trouble getting a better rate: In some cases, it’s difficult to get a better rate soon after you finance your car. Enough time may not have passed to boost your credit score or you may owe more than the car is worth, which can make qualifying for a loan harder. In addition, getting financing in the first place can cause a slight drop in your credit score for six months, so sometimes waiting to refinance makes sense.

Contact RefiJet to Know How to Refinance Your Car Loan Early

If you need to refinance fast and don’t want to wait, there’s an easier way to find out whether you’re eligible for a new car loan. RefiJet simplifies changing your loan terms and getting the financing you deserve. To find out whether you qualify and when you can refinance your car, fill out our simple online form.

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