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Starting 2021 in a New Office


RefiJet Auto Loan Refinance Program Starts 2021 in a New, Larger Facility

Denver, Colorado – (January 13, 2021) – Yield Solutions Group, LLC, known as RefiJet by consumers, has moved into a larger facility to accommodate its recent and planned expansion.  Located at 5775 DTC Blvd, 4th Floor, Greenwood Village, CO 80111, the new office offers spaces customized to the Company’s call center operations.

“Not only is the new space big enough to support our growing team, but it also is configured in a manner that provides enhanced security measures, says Reid Rubenstein, Managing Partner.  “We now have an entire floor with private access and continue to have other industry-leading security measures that ensure the protection of consumer data throughout all stages of our auto refinance process.  We are pleased we could make this move to enhance our services to our lenders and consumers and provide an attractive, accessible, and professional space for our staff members.”

With the addition of multiple new Lenders into the program in 2020 and more being added in 2021, RefiJet offers more auto refinance options than ever.  It continues to receive customer service awards from Lending Tree and positive reviews from consumers.  The auto refinance program is available nationwide and puts customers in the best position for which they qualify by evaluating their situation against the lending programs of multiple lenders.  Since 2016, RefiJet has offered consumers the ability to obtain a new auto loan with lower monthly payments, lower interest rates, and better loan structures.  With a quick call with RefiJet, multiple options can be evaluated all at once.

About RefiJet

A Denver, Colorado-based company, RefiJet provides a nationwide vehicle loan refinance program for consumers across different credit tiers who want to refinance to lower a monthly payment, lower the interest rate, or get a better loan structure.  It works with a variety of lenders, so it specializes in offering consumers the best deal for which they qualify.

Click to Get Started on Refinancing an Auto Loan Now.

The  RefiJet Office Move Video was created by Guerilla Capturing

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